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Question 1

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Question text

Select the correct answer according to the reading.
Hi everyone, my name is Clare, I live in new york and I am looking for a job. It is my first time, trying to find a job, and I think is not easy, all the notice ask for several years of experience, but the truth is that I have never worked before.

From the text you can infer ...
Select one:

Question 2

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

This is a grammar question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
They ____ living in Los Angeles in California. Their parents have a house on the beach at Santa Monica. In the summer they are very lazy. They get up at ten o´clock and have breakfast. Then they go swimming. They have lunch on the beach.
Select one:

Question 3

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Fill in the blank with the correct option for completing the sentence:

My mother___________ in television but she ___________ practice sport.
Select one:

Question 4

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Select the option that best completes the dialogue.
A: ...........................................................
B: Definitively. I like two or three places around. But my favorite restaurant is CHICO´s. It is located three blocks from here
A: Really. I will check it out with my wife

Select one:

Question 5

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a vocabulary question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
What does the picture correspond to?
Select one:

Question 6

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the correct word for this definition: 
About all the time, forever, continuosly
Select one:

Question 7

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the sentence that is gramatically correct. 
Select one:

Question 8

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a grammar question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.

The dolphins have a lot of fun because Alex always gives them treats. At seven o’clock, Alex goes home but he ______ forget about the dolphins in the evening, he reads about dolphins in books and on the internet, he really loves his job.
Select one:

Question 9

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Answer the following question according to the audio

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What does the expression "The bright side" mean?
Select one:

Question 10

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Complete the following sentence by selecting the correct answer:             

 ________ she study in London?
Select one:

Question 11

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
What is the correct auxiliary in the following sentence?
_____ the man work in the store? 
Select one:

Question 12

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

According to the text , answer the following question:

My name is Paola Bruno and I’m from Venice in Italy. I’m married and I have two children, a son and a daughter. My son’s name is Guido. He is 15. He is tall with dark hair, and he’s good looking. My daughter’s name is Chiara. She’s 21. She’s very beautiful.
My name is Piotr and I’m from Poland. I’m 20 and I have two sisters. Their names are Dagmara and Justyna. Dagmara is 26. She is tall with long blond hair. She’s married. Her husband’s name is Wojtek. Justyna is 19 and very different from Dagmara. She isn’t tall and blond, she is short with dark hair. 

Taken from: New English file beginner Student’s book

Who has two sisters?

Select one:

Question 13

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Choose the correct word for the following definition:
He is a person who prepares food by the use of heat, as by boiling, baking, or roasting.
Select one:

Question 14

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Read the sentences below and choose the similar meaning for this expression "jogging"

Select one:

Question 15

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Vocabulary Section
Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
  • These are physical activities in most cases governed by a set of rules or customs and they are often engaged to recreation or competitions.
Select one:

Question 16

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Read the sentences below and choose the similar meaning for this expression "wake up"

Select one:

Question 17

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the correct definition according to the word: niece
Select one:

Question 18

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Select the correct word that complete the sentence correctly. 
There are _____________ students in this classroom.
Select one:

Question 19

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Select the correct word to complete the phrase correctly. 
- He _______ T.V. at night.
Select one:

Question 20

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Choose the correct answer according to the family tree.
Select one:

Pregunta 1

0.00 puntos sobre 1.00
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Texto de la pregunta

Grabaciรณn 3: Apartamento nuevo.  De acuerdo con la situaciรณn presentada en la grabaciรณn, elija la respuesta correcta a la siguiente pregunta: 
¿Hay mucho crimen?

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Tiempo restante-0: 00
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Pregunta 2

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Texto de la pregunta

Esta es una pregunta escrita. Lee el aviso y elige la mejor respuesta.
Seleccione la palabra correcta para completar la frase correctamente. 
- Tengo mi clase de inglรฉs en__________
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Pregunta 3

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
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Texto de la pregunta

Esta es una pregunta de vocabulario. Lee el aviso y elige la mejor respuesta.
¿Quรฉ palabra es GRANDETICAMENTE INCORRECTA en la siguiente oraciรณn?
Los niรฑos traviesos no hacen la tarea.
Seleccione uno:

Pregunta 4

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Remover la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Lea el texto y elija la respuesta correcta de acuerdo con la informaciรณn presentada. 

 ¡Decir "NO" a los matones!
La intimidaciรณn es cuando alguien te insulta o lastima continuamente. Muchos jรณvenes son acosados ​​en la escuela. Pero hay algunas formas positivas de resolver el problema.
Tom Cruise, Peter Andre y Michelle Pfeiffer tienen algo en comรบn: todos fueron intimidados en la escuela. Estas estrellas que acosan no necesariamente te impiden tener รฉxito, dice Kids cape, una organizaciรณn infantil en Gran Bretaรฑa.
Capa para niรฑos tiene algunas formas originales de detener a los matones. El "cuadro de acosador", por ejemplo, es un cuadro en la escuela donde los estudiantes escriben notas sobre el acoso escolar. Lo importante es contarle a un adulto sobre el acosador.
Los maestros generalmente aprenden a reconocer cuando un niรฑo estรก siendo acosado, pero a veces las escuelas no pueden resolver el problema. En un caso reciente en Gran Bretaรฑa, la policรญa arrestรณ a una niรฑa de 16 aรฑos por acosar a una niรฑa de 12 aรฑos. La madre de la niรฑa dijo que la escuela no habรญa resuelto el problema, que se habรญa vuelto muy serio. Asรญ que ella fue a la policรญa.
Pero la mayorรญa de los matones son detenidos por la escuela o por los propios niรฑos. En la asociaciรณn de Artes Marciales para la Paz en Amรฉrica, el Dr. Terence Webster-Doyle sugiere discutir el problema abiertamente con el acosador. El Dr. Webster-Doyle enseรฑa artes marciales para la defensa personal, no para luchar. ร‰l dice que si sabes que puedes defenderte, "no le tienes miedo al otro".

¿A quiรฉn se dirige el texto?
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Pregunta 5

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Texto de la pregunta

Grabaciรณn 3: Apartamento nuevo.  De acuerdo con la situaciรณn presentada en la grabaciรณn, elija la respuesta correcta a la siguiente pregunta: 
¿Dรณnde estรก el nuevo apartamento de Meg?

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Progreso: 0%
Tiempo restante-0: 00
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Pregunta 6

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Selecciona la respuesta correcta segรบn la lectura "hommer".
Homero y su esposa Marge tienen tres hijos: Bart, Lisa y Maggie. Como proveedor de la familia, trabaja en la central nuclear de Springfield. Homero encarna varios estereotipos de la clase trabajadora estadounidense: es crudo, calvo, con sobrepeso, incompetente, torpe, perezoso, bebedor de alcohol e ignorante; sin embargo, es esencialmente un hombre decente y ferozmente dedicado a su familia. A pesar de la rutina de cuello azul suburbana de su vida, ha tenido una serie de experiencias notables. Homero es uno de los personajes mรกs influyentes en la historia de la televisiรณn. El periรณdico britรกnico The Sunday Times lo describiรณ como "la mayor creaciรณn cรณmica de la รฉpoca [moderna]". Fue nombrado el mejor personaje "de los รบltimos 20 aรฑos" en 2010 por Entertainment Weekly, fue clasificado como el segundo personaje de dibujos animados mรกs grande por TV Guide, detrรกs de Bugs Bunny, y fue votado como el mejor personaje de televisiรณn de todos los tiempos por los televidentes de Channel 4. Por expresar a Homer, Castellaneta ha ganado cuatro Premios Primetime Emmy por un rendimiento sobresaliente de voz en off y un Premio Annie de logros especiales. En el 2000, Homer y su familia recibieron una estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood.

La palabra "RANKED" podrรญa reemplazarse en la lectura de ...

Seleccione uno:

Pregunta 7

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Elija la mejor opciรณn de acuerdo con la Lectura 2 "CAMBIO DE ESTILOS DE VIDA":
Las รบltimas dos dรฉcadas han visto el surgimiento de una clase de profesionales entre los 20 y los 30 aรฑos que tรญpicamente tienen altos ingresos disponibles y pocas responsabilidades. El aumento de las mujeres en el empleo remunerado y el aumento correspondiente en el ingreso disponible ha impulsado el aumento en el consumo de alcohol. Las mujeres jรณvenes, aquellas sin responsabilidades familiares, parecen ser las que mejor pueden financiar el hรกbito. La tendencia a la "juventud extendida" -las personas que postergan el matrimonio y los hijos- bien puede haber contribuido a la tendencia de un mayor consumo de alcohol, tanto entre mujeres como entre hombres.
 Tomado de: http://www.cuentoseningles.com.ar/articles/women/womenandbooze.html
 ¿Quรฉ ha contribuido al consumo de alcohol?
Seleccione uno:

Pregunta 8

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Esta es una pregunta de lectura. Lee el aviso y elige la mejor respuesta.
รfrica es el segundo continente mรกs grande despuรฉs de Asia. Tambiรฉn tiene la segunda poblaciรณn mรกs grande despuรฉs de Asia. Cerca de mil millones de personas viven en รfrica. Eso es casi el 15% de la poblaciรณn mundial. Actualmente hay 54 paรญses en el continente africano, incluidos los paรญses insulares y el Sรกhara Occidental. La cantidad de paรญses a veces cambia porque muchos de los paรญses fueron creados por potencias coloniales. Los poderes coloniales son paรญses que formaron colonias en รfrica cuando fue descubierta por extranjeros.
รfrica es un lugar lluvioso y un lugar seco. รfrica se encuentra principalmente en la zona intertropical entre el Trรณpico de Cรกncer y el Trรณpico de Capricornio. Solo las franjas mรกs al norte y mรกs al sur del continente tienen un clima mediterrรกneo porque no estรกn ubicadas en los trรณpicos.Debido a esta situaciรณn geogrรกfica, รfrica es un continente caliente, ya que la intensidad de la radiaciรณn solar es siempre alta.
Hay alrededor de 2.000 idiomas diferentes en รfrica. La mayorรญa de los idiomas pertenecen a uno de los cuatro grandes grupos lingรผรญsticos. Los cuatro grandes grupos lingรผรญsticos son los idiomas afroasiรกtico, nilo-sahariano, nรญger-Congo y khoisan. La gente tambiรฉn habla algunas lenguas no africanas en รfrica. Alrededor del 20% de la poblaciรณn habla รกrabe, principalmente en el norte de รfrica. Alrededor del 10% habla swahili, principalmente en el sureste de รfrica. Alrededor del 5% habla hausa, principalmente en รfrica occidental. Muchas personas tambiรฉn hablan inglรฉs, francรฉs y portuguรฉs. ¡Un paรญs africano, Nigeria, tiene 250 idiomas diferentes!
รfrica tiene muchos recursos naturales. Hay ocho paรญses exportadores de petrรณleo en el รfrica subsahariana. Son Nigeria, Angola, Congo-Brazzaville, Gabรณn, Guinea Ecuatorial, Camerรบn, Chad, Repรบblica Democrรกtica del Congo (RDC) y Sudรกn. รfrica tiene alrededor del 7% de las reservas de petrรณleo en el mundo. Sudรกfrica es el mayor productor de oro del mundo. Ghana, Mali, Sierra Leona, Tanzania, Ruanda y la RDC tambiรฉn tienen mucho oro. El DRC tiene cobre y cobalto. La Repรบblica Democrรกtica del Congo produce el 22% de los diamantes del mundo cada aรฑo.Botswana, Sierra Leona y Sudรกfrica tambiรฉn tienen muchos diamantes. Mozambique, Camerรบn, Guinea Ecuatorial, Gabรณn, Ghana y Liberia tienen mucha madera, que es madera. El negocio del gas, los diamantes de petrรณleo, la madera y el turismo es muy bueno.
Muchos paรญses africanos se convirtieron en libres despuรฉs de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Algunos paรญses se hicieron libres de manera pacรญfica. Algunos paรญses tuvieron que luchar para ser libres. El perรญodo posterior al gobierno colonial se conoce comรบnmente como “รfrica poscolonial”. El รfrica poscolonial ha tenido algunos problemas muy grandes. Despuรฉs de que las potencias coloniales se fueron, hubo problemas con el gobierno. Entre 1960 y 1980, hubo 70 golpes de estado.(pronunciado "koo") Un golpe de estado es el derrocamiento de un gobierno. Hubo 13 asesinatos presidenciales. Eso significa que 13 presidentes africanos fueron asesinados. En la dรฉcada de 1970, hubo una gran hambruna en Etiopรญa. Una hambruna es un tiempo de poca o ninguna comida. Cientos de miles de personas murieron de hambre, lo que significa que murieron de hambre. Ha habido guerras. Ha habido un gran conflicto en Dafur, Sudรกn, y muchas personas han muerto.
El continente africano es rico en recursos, personas y cultura. Desafortunadamente, esto ha contribuido a su caรณtica historia. รfrica estรก trabajando actualmente para aumentar la educaciรณn y el empleo. Muchas organizaciones estรกn trabajando juntas para construir escuelas, hospitales e industrias para mejorar el futuro de la naciรณn africana.

- Segรบn la lectura "รfrica", la cultura africana es rica, porque
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Pregunta 9

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Texto de la pregunta

Esta es una pregunta de gramรกtica. Lee el aviso y elige la mejor respuesta.
Cameron Diaz, esta estrella naciรณ en San Diego, California. No querรญa ser actriz, sino zoรณloga. Ella _____ dos serpientes en su casa como mascotas. Sin embargo, comenzรณ una carrera como modelo.
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Pregunta 10

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Esta es una pregunta de vocabulario. Lee el aviso y elige la mejor respuesta.
Segรบn la imagen, ¿cuรกl es su capacidad?
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Pregunta 11

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Esta es una pregunta de gramรกtica. Lee el aviso y elige la mejor respuesta.
Selecciona las palabras que completan el texto correctamente. 
- Tim es un representante de servicio al cliente. ร‰l _____ (3) ______ da informaciรณn sobre cuentas hasta que la gente responda algunas preguntas.
Seleccione uno:

Pregunta 12

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Elige la mejor opciรณn para completar el espacio segรบn la imagen.
Cada maรฑana mi esposo Alan canta en el ________.
Seleccione uno:

Pregunta 13

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Lea los siguientes verbos:  Emocionado , enojado , preocupado ...  Todas estas palabras se refieren a
Seleccione uno:

Pregunta 14

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Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Esta es una pregunta de lectura. Lee el aviso y elige la mejor respuesta.
De acuerdo con el texto sobre Danny y Lianne, seleccione la mejor opciรณn para responder la pregunta. 
Danny y Lianne viven en Los Angeles en California. Sus padres tienen una casa en la playa de Santa Mรณnica. En el verano son muy perezosos. Se levantan a las diez y desayunan. Luego se van a nadar. Almuerzan en la playa. Por la tarde, a menudo van a practicar windsurf o juegos de pelota en la playa. Despuรฉs de la cena, van y se encuentran con amigos en Tommy´s Beach Cafรฉ. A veces van a una discoteca por la noche. A menudo se van a la cama bastante tarde, a eso de las diez o las once. Les gusta mucho la vida californiana.
 ¿Quรฉ deportes puedes practicar en la playa?
Seleccione uno:

Pregunta 15

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Segรบn el texto, responda la siguiente pregunta:

Mi nombre es Paola Bruno y soy de Venecia en Italia. Estoy casado y tengo dos hijos, un hijo y una hija. El nombre de mi hijo es Guido. Tiene 15 aรฑos. Es alto, tiene el pelo oscuro y es guapo. El nombre de mi hija es Chiara. Ella es 21. Ella es muy hermosa.
Mi nombre es Piotr y soy de Polonia. Tengo 20 aรฑos y tengo dos hermanas. Sus nombres son Dagmara y Justyna. Dagmara tiene 26 aรฑos. Es alta y tiene el pelo largo y rubio. Ella estรก casada.El nombre de su esposo es Wojtek. Justyna tiene 19 aรฑos y es muy diferente de Dagmara. No es alta y rubia, es baja con el pelo oscuro. 

Tomado de: Nuevo archivo de inglรฉs Principiante Libro de estudiantes

¿Quiรฉn tiene dos hermanas?

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Pregunta 16

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Elige la mejor opciรณn para completar el espacio segรบn la imagen.
Trabaja cinco dรญas a la semana como computadora ________.
Seleccione uno:

Pregunta 17

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Esta es una pregunta escrita. Lee el aviso y elige la mejor respuesta.
Seleccione la palabra para completar la frase correctamente. 
- Marรญa a veces ____ al cine los domingos. 
Seleccione uno:

Pregunta 18

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Selecciona la opciรณn que mejor complete el diรกlogo.

a. Hola. Yo soy mark Encantada de conocerte
segundo. Hola Mark. Es un placer. Soy laura
a. ........................................
segundo. Gracias. Me llamaron asรญ por mi madre. 
Seleccione uno:

Pregunta 19

0.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

Grabaciรณn 1: La vida del actor.  De acuerdo con la situaciรณn presentada en la grabaciรณn, elija la respuesta correcta a la siguiente pregunta:

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Tiempo restante-0: 00
¿Tiene Mike una vida glamorosa?
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Pregunta 20

1.00 puntos sobre 1.00
Pregunta de la bandera

Texto de la pregunta

De acuerdo con el texto sobre Danny y Lianne, seleccione la mejor opciรณn para responder la pregunta. 

Danny y Lianne viven en Los Angeles en California. Sus padres tienen una casa en la playa de Santa Mรณnica. En el verano son muy perezosos. Se levantan a las diez y desayunan. Luego se van a nadar. Almuerzan en la playa. Por la tarde, a menudo van a practicar windsurf o juegos de pelota en la playa. Despuรฉs de la cena, van y se encuentran con amigos en Tommy´s Beach Cafรฉ. A veces van a una discoteca por la noche. A menudo se van a la cama bastante tarde, a eso de las diez o las once. Les gusta mucho la vida californiana.
¿Quรฉ hacen en la maรฑana?
Seleccione uno:

Question 1

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Read “Saying and choose the correct answer according to the information presented.

Saying "NO" to bullies!
Bullying is when someone continually insults or hurts you. Many young people are bullied at school. But there are some positive ways to solve the problem.
Tom Cruise, Peter Andre, and Michelle Pfeiffer have something in common: they were all bullied at school. These stars that bullying does not necessarily stop you from being successful, says Kids cape, a children's organization in Britain.
Kids cape has some original ways of stopping bullies. The "bully box", for example, is a box in school where students put notes about bullying. The important thing is to tell an adult about the bully.
Teachers usually learn how to recognize when a kid is being bullied but sometimes schools can't solve the problem. In a recent case in Britain, the police arrested a 16-year-old girl for bullying a 12-year-old girl. The younger girl's mother said the school hadn't solved the problem, which had become very serious. So she went to the police.
But most bullies are stopped by the school or by the kids themselves. At the Martial Arts for Peace association in America, Dr Terence Webster-Doyle suggests discussing the problem openly with the bully. Dr Webster-Doyle teaches martial arts for self-defense, not for fighting. He says that if you know you can defend yourself, "you are not afraid of the other ".

Which of the following titles could be more appropriate for this text

Select one:

Question 2

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Select the correct answer according to the reading. Hommer S.
 Homer and his wife Marge have three children: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. As the family's provider, he works at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Homer embodies several American working class stereotypes: he is crude, bald, overweight, incompetent, clumsy, lazy, a heavy drinker, and ignorant; however, he is essentially a decent man and fiercely devoted to his family. Despite the suburban blue-collar routine of his life, he has had a number of remarkable experiences. Homer is one of the most influential characters in the history of television. The British newspaper The Sunday Times described him as "the greatest comic creation of [modern] time". He was named the greatest character "of the last 20 years" in 2010 by Entertainment Weekly, was ranked the second greatest cartoon character by TV Guide, behind Bugs Bunny, and was voted the greatest television character of all time by Channel 4 viewers. For voicing Homer, Castellaneta has won four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance and a special-achievement Annie Award. In 2000, Homer and his family were awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The word "CLUMSY" can be replaced for...
Select one:

Question 3

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

This is a vocabulary question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
What does the picture correspond to?
Select one:

Question 4

0.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Select the option that best completes the dialogue.
A: ...........................................................
B: Definitively. I like two or three places around. But my favorite restaurant is CHICO´s. It is located three blocks from here
A: Really. I will check it out with my wife

Select one:

Question 5

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Recording 2: Ron's Media Choises . According to the situation presented on the recording, choose the correct answer to the following question: 
How often does Ron watch TV?

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Question 6

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Read the text “Saying and choose the correct answer according to the information presented. 
 Saying "NO" to bullies!
Bullying is when someone continually insults or hurts you. Many young people are bullied at school. But there are some positive ways to solve the problem.
Tom Cruise, Peter Andre, and Michelle Pfeiffer have something in common: they were all bullied at school. These stars that bullying does not necessarily stop you from being successful, says Kids cape, a children's organization in Britain.
Kids cape has some original ways of stopping bullies. The "bully box", for example, is a box in school where students put notes about bullying. The important thing is to tell an adult about the bully.
Teachers usually learn how to recognize when a kid is being bullied but sometimes schools can't solve the problem. In a recent case in Britain, the police arrested a 16-year-old girl for bullying a 12-year-old girl. The younger girl's mother said the school hadn't solved the problem, which had become very serious. So she went to the police.
But most bullies are stopped by the school or by the kids themselves. At the Martial Arts for Peace association in America, Dr Terence Webster-Doyle suggests discussing the problem openly with the bully. Dr Webster-Doyle teaches martial arts for self-defense, not for fighting. He says that if you know you can defend yourself, "you are not afraid of the other ".

What does the text suggests to the reader?

Select one:

Question 7

0.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the best option according to the Reading 2 "CHANGING LIFESTYLES":
The past couple of decades have seen the rise of a class of professionals in their 20s and 30s who typically have high disposable incomes and few responsibilities. The rise of women in paid employment and the corresponding increase in disposable income has fuelled the increase in alcohol consumption. Young women -those without family responsibilities- seem best able to fund the habit. The tendency towards "extended youth" -people putting off marriage and children- may well have contributed towards the trend of higher consumption of alcohol, among both women and men.
 Taken from: http://www.cuentoseningles.com.ar/articles/women/womenandbooze.html
 What is the topic of this text?
Select one:

Question 8

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a grammar question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Select the word that complete the text correctly. 
- Tim is a customer service representative. He _______ to people on the telephone
Select one:

Question 9

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Fill in the blank with the correct option for completing the sentence:

My mother___________ in television but she ___________ practice sport.
Select one:

Question 10

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a grammar question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Cameron Diaz, this star was born in San Diego, California. She didn't want to be an actress, but a zoologist. She _____ two snakes in her house as pets. However, she started a career as a model.
Select one:

Question 11

0.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Recording 3: New apartment. According to the situation presented on the recording, choose the correct answer to the following question: 
Is there much crime?

Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Remaining Time-1:38
Select one:

Question 12

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the correct answer according to the family tree.
Select one:

Question 13

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the best option to complete the space according to the picture:
My baby doesn`t stop _________, what can I do?
Select one:

Question 14

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

According to the text , answer the following question:

My name is Paola Bruno and I’m from Venice in Italy. I’m married and I have two children, a son and a daughter. My son’s name is Guido. He is 15. He is tall with dark hair, and he’s good looking. My daughter’s name is Chiara. She’s 21. She’s very beautiful.
My name is Piotr and I’m from Poland. I’m 20 and I have two sisters. Their names are Dagmara and Justyna. Dagmara is 26. She is tall with long blond hair. She’s married. Her husband’s name is Wojtek. Justyna is 19 and very different from Dagmara. She isn’t tall and blond, she is short with dark hair. 

Taken from: New English file beginner Student’s book

Who has two sisters?

Select one:

Question 15

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the correct definition according to the word: niece
Select one:

Question 16

0.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Find the mistake in the following phrase: 
i am an English teacher.
Select one:

Question 17

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Vocabulary Section
Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
  • When someone does specific movements designed to strengthen the body or the mind.
Select one:

Question 18

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Select the correct word that complete the sentence correctly. 
There are _____________ students in this classroom.
Select one:

Question 19

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

According to the text, answer the following question:
My name is Paola Bruno and I’m from Venice in Italy. I’m married and I have two children, a son and a daughter. My son’s name is Guido. He is 15. He is tall with dark hair, and he’s good looking. My daughter’s name is Chiara. She’s 21. She’s very beautiful.
My name is Piotr and I’m from Poland. I’m 20 and I have two sisters. Their names are Dagmara and Justyna. Dagmara is 26. She is tall with long blond hair. She’s married. Her husband’s name is Wojtek. Justyna is 19 and very different from Dagmara. She isn’t tall and blond, she is short with dark hair. 
Taken from: New English file beginner Student’s book

Who’s Wojtek?

Select one:

Question 20

0.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Read the following verbs: ExcitedAngryworried... All these words refer to
Select one:

Question 1

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Select the correct answer to complete the following conversation.
A. Hi Jen:
B. Hi Michael
A. ____ you planning something for this vacation?
B. No really I think I´m ____ at home.
A. ___ you go somewhere?
B. Yes, I will go to France.
Select one:

Question 2

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Select the option that best completes the dialogue.
A: ...........................................................
B: Definitively. I like two or three places around. But my favorite restaurant is CHICO´s. It is located three blocks from here
A: Really. I will check it out with my wife

Select one:

Question 3

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Select the correct answer according to the reading "hommer"
Homer and his wife Marge have three children: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. As the family's provider, he works at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Homer embodies several American working class stereotypes: he is crude, bald, overweight, incompetent, clumsy, lazy, a heavy drinker, and ignorant; however, he is essentially a decent man and fiercely devoted to his family. Despite the suburban blue-collar routine of his life, he has had a number of remarkable experiences. Homer is one of the most influential characters in the history of television. The British newspaper The Sunday Times described him as "the greatest comic creation of [modern] time". He was named the greatest character "of the last 20 years" in 2010 by Entertainment Weekly, was ranked the second greatest cartoon character by TV Guide, behind Bugs Bunny, and was voted the greatest television character of all time by Channel 4 viewers. For voicing Homer, Castellaneta has won four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance and a special-achievement Annie Award. In 2000, Homer and his family were awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The word "RANKED" could be replaced in the reading for...

Select one:

Question 4

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Read the sentences below and choose the one that expresses "hobby"
Select one:

Question 5

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Select the correct word to complete the phrase correctly. 
- I have my English class on__________
Select one:

Question 6

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Complete the following sentence with the correct form of the verb.
The ducks are ________ in the lake.
Select one:

Question 7

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Select the correct answer according to the reading. Hommer S.
 Homer and his wife Marge have three children: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. As the family's provider, he works at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Homer embodies several American working class stereotypes: he is crude, bald, overweight, incompetent, clumsy, lazy, a heavy drinker, and ignorant; however, he is essentially a decent man and fiercely devoted to his family. Despite the suburban blue-collar routine of his life, he has had a number of remarkable experiences. Homer is one of the most influential characters in the history of television. The British newspaper The Sunday Times described him as "the greatest comic creation of [modern] time". He was named the greatest character "of the last 20 years" in 2010 by Entertainment Weekly, was ranked the second greatest cartoon character by TV Guide, behind Bugs Bunny, and was voted the greatest television character of all time by Channel 4 viewers. For voicing Homer, Castellaneta has won four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance and a special-achievement Annie Award. In 2000, Homer and his family were awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The word "CLUMSY" can be replaced for...
Select one:

Question 8

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the correct word for this definition: 
About all the time, forever, continuosly
Select one:

Question 9

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a grammar question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Select the word that complete the text correctly. 
- Tim is a customer service representative. He _______ to people on the telephone
Select one:

Question 10

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a grammar question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
They ____ living in Los Angeles in California. Their parents have a house on the beach at Santa Monica. In the summer they are very lazy. They get up at ten o´clock and have breakfast. Then they go swimming. They have lunch on the beach.
Select one:

Question 11

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Read the text and choose the correct answer according to the information presented. 

 Saying "NO" to bullies!
Bullying is when someone continually insults or hurts you. Many young people are bullied at school. But there are some positive ways to solve the problem.
Tom Cruise, Peter Andre, and Michelle Pfeiffer have something in common: they were all bullied at school. These stars that bullying does not necessarily stop you from being successful, says Kids cape, a children's organization in Britain.
Kids cape has some original ways of stopping bullies. The "bully box", for example, is a box in school where students put notes about bullying. The important thing is to tell an adult about the bully.
Teachers usually learn how to recognize when a kid is being bullied but sometimes schools can't solve the problem. In a recent case in Britain, the police arrested a 16-year-old girl for bullying a 12-year-old girl. The younger girl's mother said the school hadn't solved the problem, which had become very serious. So she went to the police.
But most bullies are stopped by the school or by the kids themselves. At the Martial Arts for Peace association in America, Dr Terence Webster-Doyle suggests discussing the problem openly with the bully. Dr Webster-Doyle teaches martial arts for self-defense, not for fighting. He says that if you know you can defend yourself, "you are not afraid of the other ".

To whom is the text addressed?
Select one:

Question 12

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Vocabulary Section
Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
  • When someone wants something that really needs, for example, a new job, a car, a new home.
Select one:

Question 13

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Find the mistake in the following phrase: 
i am an English teacher.
Select one:

Question 14

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Vocabulary Section
Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
  • You can find this nice place at any city. Here you can walk and get some services, goods or food.
Select one:

Question 15

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the best option to complete the space according to the picture.
He works five days a week as a computer ________.
Select one:

Question 16

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a reading question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
According to the text about Danny and Lianne select the best option to answer the question. 
Danny and Lianne live in Los Angeles in California. Their parents have a house on the beach at Santa Monica. In the summer they are very lazy. They get up at ten o´clock and have breakfast. Then they go swimming. They have lunch on the beach. In the afternoon they often go windsurfing or play ball games on the beach. After dinner they go and meet friends at Tommy´s Beach Cafรฉ. They sometimes go to a disco in the evening. They often go to bed quite late, at about ten or eleven o´clock. They like Californian life a lot.
 Which sports can you practice on the beach?
Select one:

Question 17

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Vocabulary Section
Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
  • This is the kind of person who loves to get many things in a mall, from a book, or matches to a refrigerator.
Select one:

Question 18

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the correct answer according to the family tree.
Select one:

Question 19

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the correct answer according to the family tree
Select one:

Question 20

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

According to the text about Danny and Lianne select the best option to answer the question. 
Danny and Lianne live in Los Angeles in California. Their parents have a house on the beach at Santa Monica. In the summer they are very lazy. They get up at ten o´clock and have breakfast. Then they go swimming. They have lunch on the beach. In the afternoon they often go windsurfing or play ball games on the beach. After dinner they go and meet friends at Tommy´s Beach Cafรฉ. They sometimes go to a disco in the evening. They often go to bed quite late, at about ten or eleven o´clock. They like Californian life a lot.

What do they do in the afternoon?
Select one:

Question 1

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a grammar question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Select the word that complete the text correctly. 
- Tim is a customer service representative. He _______ to people on the telephone
Select one:

Question 2

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Select the correct word to complete the phrase correctly. 
- I have my English class on__________
Select one:

Question 3

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Select the correct answer according to the reading. Hommer S.
 Homer and his wife Marge have three children: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. As the family's provider, he works at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Homer embodies several American working class stereotypes: he is crude, bald, overweight, incompetent, clumsy, lazy, a heavy drinker, and ignorant; however, he is essentially a decent man and fiercely devoted to his family. Despite the suburban blue-collar routine of his life, he has had a number of remarkable experiences. Homer is one of the most influential characters in the history of television. The British newspaper The Sunday Times described him as "the greatest comic creation of [modern] time". He was named the greatest character "of the last 20 years" in 2010 by Entertainment Weekly, was ranked the second greatest cartoon character by TV Guide, behind Bugs Bunny, and was voted the greatest television character of all time by Channel 4 viewers. For voicing Homer, Castellaneta has won four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance and a special-achievement Annie Award. In 2000, Homer and his family were awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The word "CLUMSY" can be replaced for...
Select one:

Question 4

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Read the sentences below and choose the one that expresses "hobby"
Select one:

Question 5

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the sentence that is gramatically correct. 
Select one:

Question 6

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Recording 4: Vacations.  According to the situation presented on the recording, choose the correct answer.
The lowest temperature in spring that the narrator has lived was _________________.

Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Remaining Time-0:00
Select one:

Question 7

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a grammar question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Select the words that complete the text correctly. 
- Tim is a customer service representative.  He _____(3)______ give information about accounts until people answer a few questions.
Select one:

Question 8

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Select the correct answer to complete the following conversation.
A. Hi Jen:
B. Hi Michael
A. ____ you planning something for this vacation?
B. No really I think I´m ____ at home.
A. ___ you go somewhere?
B. Yes, I will go to France.
Select one:

Question 9

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Answer the following question according to the audio

Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Remaining Time-0:00

Why does Jhon wash his face after a nap?

Select one:

Question 10

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Recording 2: Ron's Media Choises . According to the situation presented on the recording, choose the correct answer to the following question: 
How often does Ron watch TV?

Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Remaining Time-0:00
Select one:

Question 11

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Complete the following sentence with the correct form of the verb.
The ducks are ________ in the lake.
Select one:

Question 12

0.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Recording 1: Actor’s life. According to the situation presented on the recording, choose the correct answer to the following question:

Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%
Remaining Time-0:00
What time does Mike start work?
Select one:

Question 13

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the best option to complete the space according to the picture:
My baby doesn`t stop _________, what can I do?
Select one:

Question 14

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose   the best option to complete the space according to the picture:
I don`t feel very   _______ this morning, but I have to get up!
Select one:

Question 15

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Choose the correct answer according to the family tree.
Select one:

Question 16

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Vocabulary Section
Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
  • When someone does specific movements designed to strengthen the body or the mind.
Select one:

Question 17

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a grammar question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
These recommendations are. . .
Select one:

Question 18

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Select the option that best completes the dialogue

a: ............................................................
b. I fix cars. I am mechanic
a. Really. Maybe you can help me with mine
b. Sure. Just bring it to the car shop and I will check it
Select one:

Question 19

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This is a writing question. Read the prompt and choose the best answer.
Select the correct word to complete the phrase correctly. 
- I have my English class on__________
Select one:

Question 20

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Vocabulary Section

Choose the correct word to complete the following definition:
  • It is the season with mild weather when flowers start to blossom.
Select one: