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Question 1

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Responda la siguiente pregunta segรบn el orden y funcionamiento del aula.


En el entorno de informaciรณn inicial el estudiante...

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Question 2

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Choose the best option to answer the following question:

Choose the correct response.

  • Who do you live with?
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Question 3

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Responda la siguiente pregunta segรบn el orden y funcionamiento del aula.

Las dudas e inquietudes que se tengan relacionadas con el curso se resuelven comunicรกndose con el tutor del curso a travez del foro de la actividad colaborativa.

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Question 4

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Responda la siguiente pregunta segรบn el orden y funcionamiento del aula.

El espacio donde se pueden revisar las calificaciones obtenidas esta en Navigation + grades.

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Question 5

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Select the best answer according to the the picture


  • These are ......
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Question 6

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Choose the correct answer according to the text “Our Toy Shop

Our Toy Shop
Hi, my name is Amy. I am twelve years old. We have a small toy shop in our neighborhood. My father says Fridays are the busiest day in our toy shop. So after school, my mom takes me there to help my dad. That's another reason why I like Fridays. We allow kids to play with the toys when they are in the store. My father says I am responsible for the toys and that I need to watch and make sure nothing breaks. Many kids from my school and neighborhood also come to the shop to look at our new toys. It is always noisy here. Because it’s full of babies and small children. Little girls look for dolls, boys go for cars. Some just want to play with the toys, some actually want to buy them. It’s Exhausting for me but I like going to the shop and helping my father.

 The toy shop is noisy because…

Select one:

Question 7

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Choose the best option to answer the following question:

Complete the dialogue.


  • Where are you from?
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Question 8

1.0 points out of 1.0
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Complete the next sentence according to the right form of the Verb TO BE

  • You ______ a good student.
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Question 9

1.0 points out of 1.0
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Read, then, Choose the correct spelling for the mistake in the sentence.

  • My brother Dawson fish in the Amazon River
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Question 10

1.0 points out of 1.0
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Select the best answer according to the the picture


  • What color is this house?
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Question 11

1.0 points out of 1.0
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Responda la siguiente pregunta segรบn el orden y funcionamiento del aula.


¿Quรฉ tipo de informaciรณn se encuentra en el Syllabus del curso?

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Question 12

1.0 points out of 1.0
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Read the sentence, then, Choose the correct spelling for the mistake.

  • This menu don't include meal.
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Question 13

1.0 points out of 1.0
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Select the best answer according to the the picture

  • What color is this car?
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Question 14

1.0 points out of 1.0
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Complete the next sentence with to the right form of the Verb TO BE

  • Sofรญa _____ my English teacher.
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Question 15

1.0 points out of 1.0
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Choose the correct answer according to the text “Our Toy Shop

Our Toy Shop
Hi, my name is Amy. I am twelve years old. We have a small toy shop in our neighborhood. My father says Fridays are the busiest day in our toy shop. So after school, my mom takes me there to help my dad. That's another reason why I like Fridays. We allow kids to play with the toys when they are in the store. My father says I am responsible for the toys and that I need to watch and make sure nothing breaks. Many kids from my school and neighborhood also come to the shop to look at our new toys. It is always noisy here. Because it’s full of babies and small children. Little girls look for dolls, boys go for cars. Some just want to play with the toys, some actually want to buy them. It’s Exhausting for me but I like going to the shop and helping my father.

 According to the reading Amy …

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